Women's Ministry


Sunday: 9AM Sunday School & 10AM Worship | Wednesday: 6PM Youth Group | Various: Small Groups Fellowship

About Women's Ministries

We believe women, regardless of stage or season of life, contribute to the body of Christ in important and unique ways (1 Corinthians 12:12, 14:26). As a result, it is our desire to cultivate an environment where women can flourish and grow in their faith, for the glory of God and the edification of His body (Ephesians 4:11-13; 1 Peter 4:10; Titus 2:3-5). As a result, our Women's Ministry provides various means of spiritual development and service opportunities.

Bible Study

In an ever-changing culture, biblical truth equips believers to navigate life, and it provides hope amidst its trials and tribulations. Bible study and prayer are cornerstones to growth and maturity in the Christian faith. As such, we are committed to fostering an environment for women attending Land O' Lakes Bible Church to develop and exercise these practices of Christian living together during our Women's Bible Study.

Faith and Fellowship

Life is better lived together! We are passionate about connecting women in the Land O' Lakes Bible Church congregation and in the broader community through Women's Ministry Events. Throughout the year we hold events to present opportunity for fellowship, as well as cultivating faith. Whether we are gathering to learn of opportunities to serve local missions and ministries in the community, laboring together in service of those in the mission field, hearing and learning about His Word by guest speakers, or cultivating relationships as we craft together, we continually rejoice in His faithfulness and precious gift of fellowship.

Fish and Loaves Ministry

The Fish and Loaves Ministry provides meals to those who need a little help for various reasons. The need may be based on a temporary situation such as a family illness or an ongoing situation where a home-cooked meal would be most welcomed. 

Opportunities to Serve

Looking for an opportunity to exercise your gifts or serve the body of Christ? We would love to connect with you and share opportunities of service in our Women's Ministry.

Contact us